Web 4.0 coming from europe?

As early as 2005, France and Germany recognized (http://blog.suma-ev.de/node/55) that the future of the world economy will be decided on the Internet. These efforts were well intended. Policy must be fair to all. Innovative policy decisions often reflect neither the will of the people nor the interests of mostly medium-sized German companies. Thus the first attempt (Quaero) failed as a joint initiative with France because they could not agree on common goals.
The attempt to make a separate German project with Theseus, see http://www.heise.de/ct/artikel/Leuchtturm-entschleiert-291154.html, was to develop the next generation of the Internet, WEB 3.0.
The final conference of Theseus in February 2012, (http://www.theseus-programm.de/) shows a remarkable example of the solutions to the company intranet or for the medical field. Large companies will optimize their processes with Semantic Web and become more competitive. However, it is questionable whether even the Web 2.0 standards can be achieved to integrate all users.
„A Web 2.0 site allows users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue as creators (prosumers) of user-generated content in a virtual community“ (Source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2.0).
The major social media networks have now largely abolished the separation between Intranet and Internet networks and between professional and amateur networks. Almost all students are on Facebook, nearly all managers at Linkedin and almost every one searches in Google. A network that links all special applications with the already established successful networks is required. To create such a network requires Web 3.0 functionalities.
„Das Semantische Web (englisch Semantic Web) ist ein neues Konzept bei der Weiterentwicklung des World Wide Webs und des Internets.“ www.wikipedia.de.
In English „The Semantic Web is a novel concept in the development of the World Wide Web and the Internet”.
American Wikipedia wants to put only partially synonymous Semantic Web and Web 3.0. It says at the beginning: “Definitions of Web 3.0 vary greatly. Some[63] believe its most important features are the Semantic Web and personalization. Focusing on the computer elements, Conrad Wolfram has argued that Web 3.0 is where „the computer is generating new information“, rather than humans.[64]
Andrew Keen, author of The Cult of the Amateur, considers the Semantic Web an „unrealisable abstraction“ and sees Web 3.0 as the return of experts and authorities to the Web. For example, he points to Bertelsmann’s deal with the German Wikipedia to produce an edited print version of that encyclopedia.[65] CNN Money’s Jessi Hempel expects Web 3.0 to emerge from new and innovative Web 2.0 services with a profitable business model.”(Source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_3.0#Web_3.0)
If you read further in the German Wikipedia entry, so you come to a workable definition of Web 3.0: „All die in menschlicher Sprache ausgedrückten Informationen im Internet sollen mit einer eindeutigen Beschreibung ihrer Bedeutung (Semantik)
versehen werden, die auch von Computern „verstanden“ oder zumindest verarbeitet werden kann“ (Quelle http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_3.0).
In English: “All human language should be provided with a clear description of their meaning (semantics) known and understood by the computer and can be processed or at least understood.”
This definition corresponds to the finder technology that was developed and introduced to the market by getTIME.net GmbH which has never claimed to work with artificial intelligence (such as the Semantic Web) and is at least by a simple and workable solution five years ahead of the market. The finder technology reduces the computer entries in a search box depending on the specific meaning of a word. The foundation was laid for a Web 4.0.
Web 4.0 is the integration of all available resources over the Web in an overall system that is user-configurable. Information reaches the user at the right moment. In each category, different actions are performed, such as the triggering of complex processes or the switching of devices.
With all the resources, not only the technical resources are meant. Task is to adapt the global value chains in the online age. Over the Internet, everyone is adequately integrated to his performance in the value creation process. The classical models organize themselves into large companies and individuals are only included about the shareholder value, and this older model is not up to date “ (Source getTIME.net GmbH ©2010 -2012).
Trusted Web 4.0 means that all possibilities are exhausted to ensure optimal data protection for all parties (Source getTIME.net GmbH ©2008 -2012).
The first Social Media project, which works with Trusted Web 4.0 is www.getmysense.com. The completion of Trusted Web 4.0 with all functionality is planned in a period between 12 and 36 months at time of this post. Depending on the keyword the user can choose whether he wants to receive messages anonymously or not. www.getmysense.com will not replace existing platforms, but integrate networks. More than 1,000 so-called Primus sponsors and approximately 2,500 getmysense agencies are responsible for individual areas and an independent panel of judges ensures that a monopoly is avoided.

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